Hey Kids! Help Animals During Your Summer Break

No need to be bored this summer – help animals!

Kids can make a big difference in the lives of animals in our communities. All it takes is deciding what you want to do, making a plan and then carrying it out. Talk to some friends and ask them to help. You’ll get more done and have a lot of fun at the same time!
Not sure what to do? Here are some suggestions.
Organize a pet food drive
The Loudoun Pet Pantry is always accepting dog and cat food to help families in need to keep their beloved pets. The summer is a very slow time for donations so this would be a really big help. We specifically need small bags of dog and cat food (3 to 8 lbs) and any size cans. CLICK HERE to visit our website for more information. Contact HSLC at petpantry@humaneloudoun.org and we can pick up the food you collect.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Get friends and family to help with the collection and in spreading the word about your food drive. Set a goal and let everyone know about it. Use social media to generate buzz around your effort.
- Decide on a theme and a time frame. Be creative in naming your event –
- Hunger Walk, Run, Bike; Dance-a-thon or Hoop-a-thon: Have sponsors pledge food donations for each mile completed, how many baskets made, etc.
- Celebration Presents Drive: Guests bring a food donation instead of bringing gifts to a birthday party, pool party, etc.
- Wash Away Hunger: Organize a car wash or dog wash and the payment is a food item donation.
- Fill it Up! Fill an inflatable pool, or other things with food.
Contact HSLC at petpantry@humaneloudoun.org and we can pick up the food you collect.
Raise money for animals
Animal rescue groups always need money. The money you raise could be used for food, medical care, and more for the animals we help. Be sure to let people know the money goes to help the animals.
Contact us at helpanimals@humaneloudoun.org to make your donation.
- Hold a garage or yard sale. To get items to sell, ask neighbors and friends to clean out their closets. Advertise your event, letting people know the time, place and date.
- Look for jobs you can do to raise money, such as raking leaves, washing windows, collecting cans or bottles for recycling, washing and/or walking dogs, or taking care of a neighbor’s pet.
- Sell something that you’ve made. You could create homemade cards from recycled paper, have a lemonade stand, or prepare goodies for a bake sale.
- Ask local businesses to donate prizes and then sell raffle tickets.
- Put on a special event – like an art show, a play or a dog walk – and sell tickets to people attending the event.
Help animals in your neighborhood
- To help wild animals, build bird or bat houses, or put out water and feeders for the birds.
- Organize a neighborhood cleanup to pick up trash, fishing line and other things that can hurt animals.
- Start a Neighborhood Animal Watch for animal emergencies. Make a list of numbers to call, including
— A Veterinarian (your family vet, if you have pets)
— An Emergency vet in your area: CLICK HERE for a list
— A Wildlife Rehabilitator: CLICK HERE for a list
— Loudoun County Animal Control
- If you know an elderly person or someone who’s sick who has a pet, volunteer to help feed, walk or bathe the person’s dog, or change the kitty litter.
- Take good care of your own pet. Walk your dog or clean the kitty litter.
Whatever you decide to do, remember to be polite and thank people for helping. Be sure to feel good about all you’ve done to help the animals. You can make a difference!
Let us know what you plan to do or what you have done and we can include your efforts in a future newsletter! Contact us at helpanimals@humaneloudoun.