HSLC Donates to Help Animals in Texas
Spanky’s Pub in Leesburg hosted a pet supplies drive on Aug 30th to collect items for A Forever Home Rescue Foundation who delivered them down to Houston to benefit the animals affected by Hurricane Harvey. The Humane Society of Loudoun County dropped off an SUV load of food and pet supplies to the event. Among the items dropped off were pet beds, food/water bowls, towels, collars and leashes, animal cages, and excess food supplies.
HSLC accepts donations of anything animal related (new, used, open, and expired). Through our partnership with Loudoun County Animal Services (LCAS) and Loudoun Hunger Relief (LHR), unexpired, unopened dog and cat food that meet proper criteria goes to the Loudoun Pet Pantry. Other things that cannot be used by HSLC are shared with other rescues to benefit homeless animals in Loudoun County and surrounding areas, including VA German Shepherd Rescue and Wildlife Veterinary Care.
Donation bins are located in businesses around the county. For more information and donation bin locations visit https://humaneloudoun.org/what-we-do/the-loudoun-pet-pantry-lpp/