The Joy of Adopting Adult Pets

By Liz Bresnahan
If you are an animal lover, you know that a pet’s love is priceless. Life’s simple moments are that much sweeter. Maybe it is your cat’s calm purr as she keeps you company while reading or your dog’s excitement on walks that makes a routine stroll around the neighborhood anything but mundane. Pets provide so much joy and many consider them an integral part of the family.
If you are thinking about adopting a pet, the Humane Society of Loudoun County (HSLC) encourages you to consider an adult animal. While you ultimately have to do what is best for your household, many families who have adopted an adult dog or cat are so glad they did. Here are a couple of points to think about if you are considering adopting an older companion animal.
Time: Quality over quantity
Adopting an adult dog or cat may mean that you do not have as many years to spend with them as you would a puppy or kitten. However, the time you do have will be that much more cherished. In certain cases, rescued animals may not have had an ideal life. However, because HSLC animals are placed in safe and loving foster homes prior to adoption, they can start to heal from their past, if needed. Once adopted, you have the unique privilege of watching your pet continue to blossom into a more happy, trusting, and confident companion. And because you are helping your dog or cat rewrite their story, you can often expect them to show you unconditional love and loyalty in return.

Training: Basics are covered
Adult dogs and cats are usually potty-trained which is definitely a point in their favor. Many adoptable dogs will also know basic commands. But, if a dog needs additional training, know that you may be able to teach an old dog new tricks if you are dedicated to working closely with them. And, when you are successful, it will be so rewarding that you have directly supported the growth and development of your furry companion.
Temperament: No surprises
One of the biggest benefits of adopting an adult animal is that you know what you’re getting. You don’t have to wonder how big they will get or how their personalities will turn out. And, with adults, you are often getting an animal with a calmer temperament. For this reason, adults can be great starter pets for families with children.
Ready to adopt? Check out the wonderful adult animals that are available for adoption right now. Rest assured, HSLC will work with you to find the right animal to fit your household and lifestyle.