J.L. Simpson Middle School FACS Citizenship Unit

The Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) 8th grade classes at J.L. Simpson Middle School in Leesburg invited HSLC to help them with their Citizenship Unit. Jennifer Allen, middle school FACS teacher, asked us to be part of their learning experience to describe what our organization is, who we help, the current programs we are working on, and how middle school students might get involved. After HSLC and other organizations speak to the classes over the course of a couple of weeks, they will develop a presentation and propose a project to complete as a volunteer effort.
HSLC president, Juanita Easton, spoke with the two classrooms of 20 students each on Oct 3rd. They were interactive experiences with the students following the presentation with questions about animal care, adoptions, fostering and sharing stories of their animal experiences. She left them with the organization brochures, information on how to “be a voice” for animals in need of help, a list of suggestions on how the students can help animals at school, their neighborhoods, and around the community, in addition to a list of possible careers that involve animals.
The youth of our communities are the future so it is always a privilege to help them understand how they can be involved with the welfare of animals.
The HSLC Humane Education Program is available to all youth and adult groups, such as classrooms, after school programs, scout troops, and community organizations. Contact us at helpanimals@humaneloudoun.org if you would like us to address your group.