HSLC Hero – Sam Hartmann

In October 2020, HSLC recognized Sam Hartmann, a youth volunteer and the first recipient of the HSLC Hero award. Sam’s contributions include assisting HSLC in various fundraiser events, recruiting other student volunteers, and even forming a club in Loudoun County High School named the LCHS Animal Rescue and Support Club. His initiative led to increased volunteer participation in animal rescue projects by his school peers. Sam also ran a pet food drive through the LCHS club. His energy and passion are highly commendable!

HSLC held the first virtual volunteer appreciation event on October 18, 2020 where we recognized Sam Hartmann for his outstanding work. He was presented with a certificate and a trophy by the President of HSLC, Juanita Easton, in the presence of Sam’s family members, LCHS English teacher and club sponsor – Kathryn Ives, HSLC Board Member Anne Senft, and the volunteer management team members – Christina Levendosky, Juli Bowman, and Sruthy Menon. It was a very joyous and proud moment for Sam. HSLC wishes Sam the best as he transitions to college and we hope that he continues to serve as an animal rescue advocate in the future.