HSLC Hero – Juanita Easton

Serving as a HSLC volunteer since 2001, Juanita is one of HSLC’s longest serving volunteers. Juanita’s contributions over 20 years are staggering and inspirational. She has helped tens of thousands of animals find loving homes, helped feed tens of thousands of animals whose families were in need, developed and led Loudoun County’s only low-cost spay-neuter program for companion animals, and touched the lives of thousands of volunteers.

Juanita currently serves as HSLC’s President, Pet Pantry Lead, Education Lead, and Financial Assistance Lead. As President, she is the cornerstone of HSLC’s success. When HSLC struggled to find its footing in the 2010s, Juanita rejoined the board as President not only to save the organization but to make it flourish. Her leadership has enabled HSLC to thrive and serve as an animal rescue nonprofit leader in Virginia.

Juanita’s leadership with the Loudoun Pet Pantry (LPP) Program is extraordinary. Under her leadership, 27000+ pounds of food were distributed via Loudoun Hunger Relief to families in need in 2020, ensuring that 4400+ animals could been fed in Loudoun County. She goes above and beyond typical volunteer work, hosting HSLC’s contribution to the LPP in her own garage. On top of all her other duties, she organizes vibrant community events, processes financial and legal paperwork, and oversees content for newsletters and outreach.

Juanita has always been the heart of HSLC. Her humility, passion for animal welfare, generosity, and kindness are infectious, and the reason why so many volunteers continue supporting HSLC. She sets the example that one person can truly make an impact on the world, and certainly in animal rescue. Although she is a vocal educator on animal rescue and our volunteers’ loudest cheerleader, Juanita is beyond modest in celebrating her own accomplishments and impact. She is long overdue to receive recognition for her decades of heart-filled hard work and dedication.