Are You a Good Candidate to Foster? Find Out What it Takes…

Want to make the world a better place in one easy step? Foster a dog or cat. It’s a crucial part of the animal rescue world. It’s also amazing, for you and for the animals. Pets are much more likely to have successful, life-long placements in new homes when they come from a loving foster home.

What does it mean to “foster” an animal?

A foster home is a home (like yours!) that provides temporary shelter, care, and love for pets while they are awaiting placement in a new “forever” home.  As a foster family, you will take a rescued dog/cat into your home, based on the information you provide to the Humane Society of Loudoun County, your needs as a family, and the needs of the animal. 

What makes a good foster home?

If you have some experience with dogs or cats and have a basic understanding of their needs . . . you are a good foster candidate! Dogs and cats are just looking for a little love, meals, walks (dog), and a safe place.

You will care for a foster dog or cat as you would your own pet — providing food, shelter, companionship, and exercise; arranging for pre-approved veterinary care; and supplying patience and love. There may be times you will be asked to house train or work with a dog using simple training techniques or provide socialization for a kitty. HSLC is always there to help.

Some animals may not get along well with other dogs, cats, and/or children. We will work to identify this prior to placement in your home. At the same time, animals will sometimes behave differently in one environment than they do in another. Your observation of the animal’s character and temperament are invaluable. The more we know about an animal’s habits and behavior (positive and negative), the easier it is to match him or her to a potential adopter or in some cases identify a foster home that may be more conducive to his or her needs.

All veterinary care is covered by HSLC. Fosters are only asked to provide food, toys, crates, and other necessities. HSLC has set up a kitten registry to support feline fur babies.

HSLC’s Fosters are required to complete a foster application and then sign a foster agreement. The fostering period can last anywhere from a few days to a month or more.

If you think you can provide a temporary home and the care described above to an available dog or cat, you should consider fostering.

 Why Foster?

  • Foster Pets Learn They’re Loved — Watching an animal that has been in a shelter environment, or hurt, or abused, or all of the above enter your home is a magical, beautiful thing. Though they may not be settled yet they surely seem to know they are safe and loved.
  • It’s (Usually) So Fun For Your Other Pets, Too — Foster kittens may  end up snuggled close to a big pack of dogs,  an otherwise lazy dog or cat may suddenly find new vigor playing with a new foster.
  • You’re Saving Lives — Not only are you helping get animals adopted, but you are freeing up space at shelters for other animals in need.
  • Fostering Will Make You Feel Great — It is truly remarkable watching a foster dog or cat transition from a skittish, scared little animal to trusting, flourishing member of a family.  Fostering makes the animal feel better about their world and makes you feel great about yourself.
  • Goodbye Is A Happy Ending — Don’t be put off fostering because you think it’ll be too hard when your sweetie gets adopted.  It’s never easy to say goodbye to these beautiful souls, but seeing their happy ending makes it all worthwhile.  And just when that chapter comes to an end there is another one waiting in the wings for a chance to be saved.
  • And If You Really Fall In Love… Your foster is always available for you to adopt.

For more information on fostering, visit our website or contact us at