Videos Show the Real Personalities of Foster Cats
Four enterprising Rock Ridge High School students (Vibha Mathew, Siddra Ahson, Tashnuva Huda, and Sonia Corba) chose to create videos of HSLC foster cats as their Capstone project to help them find their forever homes.
The purpose of the Rock Ridge High School Phoenix Capstone is to provide graduates of Rock Ridge with meaningful experiences, self-fulfillment, and opportunities for post-secondary success through civic engagement and career exploration. During fourth quarter, qualifying seniors are excused from classes in order to pursue a community service project or career development opportunity. Community service projects can range from hands-on experiences to administrative work. Students have discretion in choosing their project, as long as the project will provide an authentic experience.
HSLC provided contact information for a few of our foster volunteers who had agreed to participate in the project. It was up to the students to make contact and schedule the time to spend time with the cats to make the videos and then to edit them into the finish products. “The foster homes we visited had multiple cats that were considered hard to adopt. We brought our own cat toys to engage the cats and show their real personalities.”
“These cats are usually shy and nervous at adoption events. Going to foster homes and creating these videos really helps to show the cats in their own environment.”
The videos they created are really spectacular.